Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Horrible Andrew Jackson

The question that we had to answer in class was "Was Andrew Jackson a people's president?" In class, my group was assigned Indian removal and our topic was mostly about Andrew Jackson and how he kicked them out of the land that he wanted to take over for the Americans to colonize. He did this by creating a deal with them. The deal was that they could either stay and pay taxes and fight for the American army, or they could leave. So most of the Indians chose to leave. They had to walk on the trail of tears. This was the road out west that they had to walk on. 80,000 Indians walked on it. 10,000 died and the road was 500 miles long. I personally believe that Andrew Jackson was not a people's person. He could of made a better deal with the Indians or he could of at least tried living with them instead of kicking them out. Jackson also created some prisons for the Indians and kept them in the jails for a long time with absolutely horrible living conditions. Andrew Jackson should of created a better system with the Indians instead of doing what he did. He was not very liked by the people.

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Growth of Democracy

Essential Question: How should we define democracy? How democratic was the United States in the early 1800's?

In history class, we researched a lot of documents to understand the essential question that we had to answer. First we came up with a definition for democracy. Our definition is: a form of government that gives a say to people and allows them to cote. a system of power where he system is vested in the people. We were told to look at some documents and make a poster. One of the documents showed the amount of taxes that the people of the United States had to pay. The chart clearly shows that the taxes went way up during the early 1800's. They also went down after about 1830. Another document was a painting that we had to analyse. Our group came to the conclusion that the more wealthier people where up near the judge voting while the poor people where down near the bottom. They also seem very happy though. The project our group had to do was create a poster with all of the documents on it. Our poster helped answer the essential question. Our poster looked pretty presentable.

Our Poster (sorry for upside down photo)