Thursday, September 18, 2014

All Around the Industrial Revolution

        While I was looking at all the different posters on the wall, I was always please with the creative presentation styles. I found all of them pleasant to the eye and easy to receive the information that they were trying to get to you. Our groups topic was mostly on the negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Two of our sources were photos of everyday life. One was of this market with people lying down; they looked sick and hungry. The other photo was of a normal street, but there was a smoke stack in the background that was shooting pollution into the air and some of the buildings were crumbled to the ground. Along with those photos, there was a map. The map was of the coal distribution in England and the population of the cities. I believe the point of this document was to show the overcrowding in the popular cities. Overcrowding can be unhealthy because it could lead to horrible diseases, loss of food, and to job loss and wage cuts. Another document was 2 letters written by 2 different men who were discussing the good and the bad of the Industrial Revolution. The man who was for the I.R was saying that it brought a lot of jobs to the people. The man who was against the I.R said that there was extreme overcrowding, horrible pollution, and at the end he said that man is turned back almost into a savage. There was also a document that had a chart on it. The chart was of the normal wages, cost of living, and real earnings. This documents shows that people didn't really make that much during the I.R. The last document was a letter to an editor at the London Times. It was a man talking about the Thames River and how polluted it was. I believe he wanted it to be known how filthy the water was. Our group knew that the point of our documents was the bad part of the I.R. so we wanted to add that in the title. After some thinking, we finally decided on Pollution of the Revolution. When visitor see my groups poster, I hope that they understand that the I.R was not just about the creation of new ways of creating material, but it also had some downsides. I think after they see our poster, they will understand that. 


After visiting the other exhibits, I learned that child labor was a huge part of the I.R. Before i saw that groups poster, I didn't know that it was a problem. Another thing I learned was that steam engines helped out a lot. I didn't know they were a big help during the Industrial Revolution.


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