Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Presence of Racism

The essential question that we talked about in class was "Why is it essential to acknowledge human human value regardless of race? How are the events in the Latin American revolutions evidence of this social imperative?" We learned a lot about this topic when talking about the different class status in Latin America. In class we learned about Mexico, Columbia, and Brazil and the revolutions that they have had.

For the timeline activity, my group had Mexico. This is our timeline:
Mexico timeline:
January 1811: Mexican rebellion lead by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was defeated at Calferon. He was captured and executed

1820: liberals took power in Spain and a new government the promised reforms to stop Mexican revolutions. Mexican conservations wanted independence so they could maintain the positions and beliefs. 

1821: Agustin de Iturbide negotiated the plan if iguala with Vicente Guerrerode. it made mexico an independent constitutional monarchy. 

August 24, 1822: Spanish Viceroy Juan de O'Donoju signed the treaty of Córdoba making mexico officially an independent constitutional  monarchy
1823: republican leaders santa anna and Guadalupe victoriono turned Mexico into a republic with Guadalupe Victoriono as its first president.

Artillery During the Mexican Revolution

The similarities between the revolutions that we found was that all of the countries were successful in their rebellions and gained the independence they wanted. Another similarity was that they each had a ruling country and they broke free from there government. The differences that we found was that after they each had a different style of government after they gained their independence and that they all didn't create a constitution when creating their government.

Judgements are still being made today based on race. During the 2008 election, some people who are racist towards African Americans would of not voted for Barack Obama. This is an example of a possible judgment based on race. A big news story that has to do with racism is the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. The African American community erupted when they found out that the white man who shot the African American teen wasn't indicted. This shooting has created many protests around the U.S. This goes to show that today, racism is still a problem. So yes, we should still consider the problem of race in our lives today.

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