Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Out Smart and Out Number

Essential Questions:
Who was the ultimate victor in each of the theaters of war: East, West, Naval?
What are some commonalities you can identify in the reasons for the results of the battles?

To learn more about the Civil War and the battles that took place in it, we were each individually assigned a battle to research. We had to create google doc with information about the battle plus an image. We were given a description of the battle and we had to look up online the battle that matched the description. Once we have all the information for the battle, we created a bit.ly and a qr code to lead to the Google doc. We put the qr code and the bit.ly on a poster. Once everyone had the poster, we chose a spot in the school to put the it on. Then we collaborated with the people who had the battle number around ours to tell them where we put our poster. We then went around the school scanning the qr code and getting information about all the battles during the Civil War. It was a fun and unique way to take notes about the battles. After we finished the scavenger hunt, we used a website called Padlet to answer the question "who won in each  of the theaters" We were able to put down an answer on the Padlet but then you had to back it up with info that we got from the scavenger hunt.

I believe that that ultimate victor was the Union army. I believe they dominated in the east,west and naval. They were able to dominate in the west. At the Siege of Vicksburg, the Confederates ran out of supplies. The Union was able outnumber the Confederate at the battle of Shiloh, the North outnumbered the South by 30,000 troops. During naval battles, the Union was still able to win. The Union pretty much overpowered the the Confederate in the water. They had better ships such as ironclads and timberclads. An example of this is the battle at Henry County. The Union called for an attack at point blank with 4 ironclads and 3 timberclads. This proves the the north was stronger than the south in the water. Finally, the Union was able to dominate in the east as well. They won at the battle of Gettysburg and fort Donelson. At fort Donelson, the Union kept getting more reinforcements than the confederates. This cause them to get the victory. At the battle of Gettysburg, the North lost 23,055 men, but still were able to win. After looking at all the theaters and major battles, you can really start to see some commonalities. A commonality is that the Union just had more troops than the Confederate. We saw that in the battle of Shiloh and at fort Donelson. The North also had better military tactics then the South. In Sherman’s march to sea, the North separated their army into 3 sections, which confused the army and secured them the win. Also at fort Donelson, the Union surrounded the Confederate, and the Confederates actually starved because they ran out of food and starved.To answer the essential questions, the North dominated in all 3 theaters, and the commonalities between the results of the battles are that the North had more men and outwitted their opponents to win the battles.

The battle of Shiloh

Image: http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/battle-of-shiloh

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