Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Napoleon had a Firm Grasp on Europe

Essential Question: 
What was Napoleon's impact on the social, economic and political systems of Europe?

             Napoleon changed Frances ways of life by changing their social, economic, and political views. When it comes to political views, Napoleon had strict censorship and the establishment of a virtual police state in order to protect his power. Napoleon also saw equality as a good political style. He like equality because that meant that anyone below him in the class system couldn't overtake his leadership spot. This ruling is called the Napoleonic Law Codes, which made all the men equal under the law while maintaining legal power over women. This crushed any hopes that women had of improving their legal status while Napoleon ruled. His internal policies strengthened France and allowed it to dominate most of Europe. Napoleon increased the amount of trade by creating a lot more canals and roads. This lead to a faster flow of trading with other countries and cities in Europe. Napoleon also instituted a blockade around Britain hoping to cutoff their trad so their economy would cripple. This plan backfired because Britain was creating goods that were much cheaper than the rest of Europe. This severely hurt the continental European economy and created more capitol for Great Britain rather than destroying it. So these the are the major impacts that Napoleon Bonaparte had on the social, economic, and political systems of Europe.

Napoleon Economic Info

Other Napoleon Info 

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