Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Three Musketeers of Ideologies

Essential Question: What were the major

how did they influence social and political actions?

For the longest time, liberals and conservatives have been going at it, even during the 1850's. This has to do with the essential question the we had to answer in class. The question was "What were the major political ideologies of the 19th century and how did they influence social and political action?" In class we were split into 6 groups and each group was assigned either conservatism, liberalism, or nationalism. The project was to create a one minute presentation to present to the class. we had to create something that showed how our ideology impacted social and political action. Watching the presentations really helped me to actually understand the ideologies.

Our presentation was a Educreations slideshow. We had animations along with our voices to act out and describe what was going on. Our presentation helps define our ideology because it had a old king that wanted his son to become king. There was also a liberal who said that the people should vote on the next king. Then it went to the next slide and it showed the liberal with his head on chopping block. Next to him was the king's son who is saying "This is what happens when someone questions the traditional ways of this government." The presentation shows that conservatives like to stick to the traditional ways of ruling and governing. Our ideology influenced social and political actions in the 19th century because it made the government not try new things. Conservationist ruled using the old traditions so there was not a lot changing and evolving during this time frame.

The other ideologies that groups did presentations on were nationalism and liberalism. Nationalism is the act of the people teaming up against their government. They often work together to take down a ruler that they do not like. Liberalism is based on merit, rights and freedom. They like to advocate middle class participation and they also didn't want low class because there are so many of them. Nationalism caused a lot of revolution because it was often a lot of people versus the government. Liberalism wanted the government to change when there was a lot of uprisings like the French Revolution. They also wanted to get rid of monarchs and reigning kings. They wanted the ability to actually vote on a ruler instead of the king’s son automatically getting the spot. So these are the major ideologies that were present during the 19th century and how they have impacted political and social actions.

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